Pros and Cons of Linux Operating System

The  advantages and disadvantages of Linux are one of the first pieces of information that users who do not yet know the system thoroughly, consider before installing it. Any data must be analyzed to know if the system will finally meet our expectations.

Like all operating systems in the world, Linux has some advantages of use and other points against that we must understand before embarking on the adventure of having it on our computer.

Pros of Linux

Next we will mention the advantages that this operating system can offer us.It is free : one of the first and great advantages of Linux can be seen at the moment of acquiring this operating system, and it is that it is free and free software. It is possible to get it completely free of charge, or by paying only a symbolic price to get the CD or installation device, although it will always be cheaper than Windows or Mac

It is free :

This not only implies that it is free, but since it is open source or open source it is also completely modifiable, a fact that also makes it have an ecosystem that works under the same concept of free software

A lot of free software :

A good number of users give up the possibility of having Linux on their computers because they believe – or have been led to believe – that they do not have enough applications and programs, which is totally false. Even as all of them are open source, we can customize them much more than others

Greater stability :

one of the strengths that Linux has compared to Windows has to do with the fact that it is a much more stable environment in terms of its performance. It is no coincidence that Linux is the option chosen by the most important companies on the planet, and even government entities in the first world. This stability makes Linux ideal for servers on the Internet due to its high reliability, a prerequisite for a server.

It does not need many resources :

Most of the Linux distributions can be installed in a PC with limited resources, it can work without problems with a 200 MHz processor, to name an example; In addition, it manages the RAM memory better, so you don’t need too much.

Very good graphical environments :

thanks to its various distributions, we not only have at our disposal a huge amount of visualizations and graphical aspects based on Linux, but at the same time we have the chance to enjoy the developments of programmed experts in this section, that allow us to have spectacular graphic environments like Beryl.

Distributions for everyone :

going back to what we said, the enormous number of Linux distributions is undoubtedly one of its strengths, because in this way we are sure that we will find one that best suits our possibilities. There are even alternatives in Linux distributions that have been specially made for 64-bit computers.

More secure :

it is impossible to lose sight of the fact that Linux is much more secure than other operating systems, which is due to the fact that its security officers are constantly alert to possible errors or bugs, as well as vulnerabilities that could affect to users. In this way, attacks are corrected faster, keeping users safe.

No need for great computer skills :

Linux is no longer restricted to just people with great computer skills. The latest versions of Linux distributions have been created with the average user in mind and are more user-friendly.

Cons of Linux

As well as having numerous extremely interesting advantages, it is also necessary to take into account the disadvantages so as not to be surprised when installing and using this operating system.

It is incompatible with Windows :

Many programs are intended only to be used with Windows or Mac because they are the most commercial and massive, a fact that turns out to be a problem when you need to use a program compatible only with Windows. However, with emulators like Wine this situation can be alleviated, although not as efficiently.

Lack of support :

Many of the problems that can appear in Linux must be solved by the user finding out the solution on their own

Incompatible hardware :

Although it is not very common, there may be a situation that some external device is not compatible with Linux

Incompatibility between partitions :

Partitions between Windows and Linux are not compatible, that is, Windows does not recognize Linux partitions and vice versa. This becomes a difficulty when having both operating systems installed

Sometimes Unix is ​​needed :

although Linux is practically self-sufficient, sometimes we will have to resort to Unix for certain questions

Many ISPs do not have Linux support :

although of course it is not a problem of Linux but of the developers, the truth is that unfortunately sometimes, ISPs do not support things other than Windows

Little commercial software :

just as it is true that in Linux we can find a huge amount of open source software, on the other hand there is not much more commercial software, although there are several applications that will surprise you are open, such as the Mozilla Firefox browser, OpenOffice, etc

Limitations for video games :

if you consider yourself a gamer, it is possible that your needs are not completely satisfied in Linux, and that is because it is a rather light operating system, which aims not to consume too many resources, on the contrary of what happens with the most powerful video games, which require state-of-the-art machines. Many times having Linux is not a limitation for gamers because many games have versions for this operating system or they can be run through emulators


Now that you know what the main advantages and disadvantages of Linux are, you will be able to assess whether this system meets your needs and will satisfy the functions that you carry out every day.

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